Innovation research

from the user’s perspective

The SIBIS Institute specializes in innovation research from the user's point of view, that is, from the perspective of the people. We take the concrete everyday requirements and everyday experiences of people as the starting point of our studies, examine the acceptance of innovative technologies in different application fields and elaborate proposals on how technologies and products can be optimized in the sense of the users. The SIBIS Institute has decades of experience in the socio-scientific evaluation of innovative technologies and services, in particular of model tests and trials in the natural environment of people, i.e. at home, in the clinic or nursing home or at the workplace.
We have developed our own methods which mostly combine qualitative methods of social research with participating observation and psychological methods. Our long-standing experience shows that testing in the real environment of the users yields more valid results than trials in the laboratory or other artificial environments.

Our projects can be assigned the following fields

  • Assistance robotics >more
  • Assistance at home >more
  • Health and care assistance systems >more
  • Assistance at the workplace >more
  • Ethical questions >more
  • Projects 2008-2011 >more
  • Older projects >more

© SIBIS GmbH – Institut für Sozialforschung, 2025