Technical assistance systems for the home

Technical assistance systems – a future strategy for the construction and housing industry

This study provides an overview of the activities of the German housing industry in relation to technical assistance systems at home >more

Evaluation of ARGENTUM AM RIED – assisted living

The Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. and Deutsche Telekom AG have developed a technology-based living concept that combines technical assistance at home with access to innovative services and a support concept on the ground >more

Smart baths of the future – a trend study for the sanitation industry

The current demographic change in Germany demands a new way of thinking for the housing and construction industries as well as for trade and the service sector. Creating new living concepts for the older generation is of particular importance >more

Chemnitz+: Integrative supply and service networks in the model region Middle Saxony

Living in the sanctity of one’s own home surrounded by an effective and user-orientated infrastructure to enable a continued living at home is fundamental to the majority of elder people. This project develops, tests and evaluates an integrated health care system for the model region of Middle Saxony which provides services that enable a long and self-determined life in one’s own home >more

Dialog+: Speech recognition and output in a Smart Home

This project’s goal is the development of a multimodal, language-centric user interface to facilitate the operation of AAL-/ SmartHome solutions as well as to improve the ambience information search >more

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